Soluciones de Software de Referidos
Nuestra plataforma puede ayudar a cualquier industria a impulsar las ventas y niveles sin precedentes de reconocimiento de marca.
Plantillas del Programas de Referidos
Explore nuestras plantillas de programas de referidos que se pueden personalizar para que encajen a la perfección con su marca.



Una inspiradora selección de Programas de Referidos
de nuestros clientes.
Programa "Refiere Agentes de Viajes"
Programa "Referir un Agente de Viajes"
Programa "Referir a un Amigo"
Programa de Referencia de Boletines
Programa "Referir a un Amigo"
Cambio Energetico
Programa de Referidos de Clientes
Programa de Referidos de Clientes
Programa "Referir a un Amigo"
Programa "Referir a un Amigo"
Programa de Referidos de FinTech (tecnología financiera)
Bright Star
Programa de Referidos de Clientes
Programa de Referidos de Clientes
Primally Nourished
Programa de Referidos de Clientes
Dozen Investments
Programa de Referidos para Agentes Inmobiliarios
Area Wireless
Programa de Referencia de Boletines
Programa de Referidos de Clientes
GBO Orlando
Programa de Referidos de FinTech
Everest Business Funding
Programa de Referidos de Boletines
Picture Start
Programa de Referidos para Influencers
Programa de Referidos para Servicios Fiscales
Programa de Referidos para Empresa de Technología

Programa de Referidos de Clientes

Harvest Hosts
Programa de Referidos Inmobiliarios
Shaare Real State Deals
Programa de Referidos para Boletines
Italian Fix - Travel

Programa de Referidos de Clientes

TM Taxes

Programa de Referidos de Clientes

Programa de Referidos para Industria de la moda
Programa de Referidos para Telecomunicaciones

Programa de Referidos de Clientes

Real Credit Deal

Programa de Referidos de Clientes

Mi Paquete
Programa de Referidos de Socios
1 800 Water Damage
Client Referral Program
Programa de Referidos de Socios
Retirement Risk Advisors
Programa de Afiliados
Profit Squirrel
Programa de AfiliadosIndustria del Dating
Black Tie Club
Programa de Referidos para Amigos
Programa de Referidos de E-Learning
Customer Referral program
#1 Premiere
Programa de Referidos de FinTech
Programa de Referidos para Amigos
Programa de Referidos para Seguros de Salud
Andes Salud
Programa de Referidos para Clientes
Programa de Referidos de Socios
TM Taxes
Programa de Referidos para Clientes
Baxter Clewis Cybersecurity
Programa de Referidos de FinTech

Programa de Referidos de E-Learning

Internet Marketing Gold
Historias de Éxito
Ver el éxito de nuestros clientes es lo que nos impulsa.
Descubre cómo Kinsley Armelle logra una tasa de conversión de referidos del 160% con la ayuda de Genius Referrals.
Descubre cómo Lecturio aumentó las conversiones a través del software de Genius Referrals.
Lo que Dicen Nuestros Clientes
  • We have used a variety of referral/affiliate web applications over the last few years. We have tried them all big and small (ShareASale, Refersion, ReferralCandy, just to name a few).

    While they all worked okay for what we needed at the time, Genius Referrals is truly the total package. The only complaint is that we didn't find them sooner! If you plan to grow your affiliate program, start with a strong framework and go for Genius Referrals.

    Crystal H.
  • In particular, they are the only provider I could find, and I spent a while researching that also supported the notion of allowing my Advocates/Promoters to build a downline of referrals underneath them and enable them to earn commission and infinite levels below them as I determine. I'm a big believer in MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing, in particular for my business, and as such, it was the critical feature I wanted that no other platform had. Their implementation is EXCELLENT and has met all my needs. One other thing I appreciated was that they were a USA-based company and even more so based in my state of residence/operation and makes me feel better sleeping at night that they are a reputable, sizeable company that has been doing this for a long time.
    John F.


  • I have used Genius Referrals to launch our referral program and was extremely pleased with the amount of work they did for us from the outset. They were always ready with an answer and went beyond their scope of duty to assist with setting the program up. Quick, fast and well worth it!!! Pros: Ability to customize your programs and the fact that your advocates can have their own logins to track their progress topped with great customer support.

    Pieter Mey


  • If you want to make your customers really promote your product or service and not just to subscribe to some contest or sweepstakes, then this is for you! Believe me when I say that I searched around the web to find the right solution, and finally, when I found this, it did not let me down! First of all, it is so good that these guys let you have a longer than usual risk-free period to evaluate. Pricing itself is actually very affordable. These guys are sure that you stick with them, and they are correct - you will. When it comes to customer service, they will not let you down.
    Vile L.

El Programa de Referidos con el que has Estado Soñando está a solo un Clic de Distancia